Telecommunications - Fascination par compare

Telecommunications technology is an ocean, the likes of which we have never seen before. We are at any point of time, seeing only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. There are sill a lot more things to be learnt.

Switching - My area of interest

Switch Configurations

Who makes these switches ?

Transmission - Digital Transmission Basics

Common Channel Signalling No. 7 ( CCS7 ) or Signalling System No. 7 ( SS7 )

The Indian National Numbering Plan

Do you live in Madras, and want to know what exchange serves you ?

My collection of Alcatel E10B-generated tones

How Madras is connected to the rest of the world

Cellular Operators in Madras

Visit to the Southern Railways switching and Transmission facility

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manisridhar at hotmail dot com