The Indian National Numbering Plan

The Indian Numbering Plan is a semi-closed numbering plan. A semi-closed numbering plan is characterised by slightly varying lengths of digits dialled to reach subscribers in the country.
To reach PSTN numbers in India, 10 to 12 digits should be dialled after the international access code of the calling country. Calls to cellular subscribers in India require 12 digits to be dialled internationally. And other services like paging require 12 to 14 digits to be dialled. All in all, reaching a telecommunications network subscriber in India requires dialling anything between 10 to 14 digits.
Direct Dialling to India 
Country Code 91
Area Code or Service Identifier  2 to 4 digits ( 1st digit is 1 to 9 )
Subscriber Number 4 to 7 digits
Minimum digits after area code or service identifier ( celluar service ) depends on area code and service ( landline, cellular etc. )
Landline : 2 digit area code - 7 or 8 digit subscriber 
                3 digit area code - 5 to 7 digits
                4 digit area code - 4 to 6 digits
Cellular  :  3 digit operator code + 5 digit 
                subscriber number.
Pager     : 96 ( service identifier ) + 2 digit operator
               code + 6 digit subscriber number.

Let's see a few examples.....

Calls to PSTN

Calls to Cellular Subscribers Calls to Pager Subscribers VSNL, the government-owned entity that handles all telecommunication traffic between India and the rest of the world, has a more detailed numbering plan page on its website. I have a copy of the page for you to see.

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manisridhar at hotmail dot com