The Southern Railway Microwave/OFC Transmission Network

The Southern Railway is a Government - owned entity that is part of the Indian Railway, which is the world's second largest railway. The Southern Railway is the largest transporter of people and freight in the region, and this calls for extensive communication links along the entire length of the railway line, which extends southwards from the city of Madras, the HQ.

What are the major uses of the Southern Railway communication network ?

The use of the communication network for allowing rapid communications between all the railway personnel, cannot be exxagerated. In such a big railway system covering so many hundreds of towns / cities / villages, the need for a communication system covering every step of the way is simply inescapable. The Southern Railway has gone in for its own private network completely independent of the national long distance provider, the Depratment of Telecommunications ( now called Bharat Sanchar Nigam ). And the Southern Railway has traffic that justifies the establishment of such a large exclusive communication network. The Southern Railway communication network infrasrtucture includes the following....... We ( myself and 4 others - Praveen, Bhaskar, Madhan and Namrata ) visited the transmission and switching facility in December 2000 and had a very informative experience. Our experience was all the more enjoyable, thanks to Mr. Sankaramoorthy, the Assistant Signal and Telecommunication Engineer (OFC). He spent a lot of time with us and explained things to us with a patience that was unbelievable.

We also are very grateful to Mr. Ajith Kumar, the Deputy Chief Signalling and Telecommunication Engineer, who agreed to let us come for a visit in the first place.

The links below say more about the what we saw - concepts, systems, equipment.

The switch ( telephone exchange ) at Madras.

Digital Transmission Basics

The Digital Microwave transmission system.

The Optical Fiber Cable transmission system.

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manisridhar at hotmail dot com