Coursework / Teaching Assignments done by me

EC 016 Cellular Mobile Communications: Overview of the GSM cellular communications system

Course Advisor: Dr. S. Srikanth

The references cited in the lecture handout are available in the common "CommunicationsLectures" folder on the LAN file server.

EC 319 Telecommunication Switching and Networks: Switching Basics

Course Advisor: Dr. D. Ebenezer

No references in this handout.

EC 319 Telecommunication Switching and Networks: Various switch/exchange configurations

Course Advisor: Dr. D. Ebenezer

No references in this handout.

EC 319 Telecommunication Switching and Networks: The SS7 Common Channel Signalling System

Course Advisor: Dr. D. Ebenezer

Internet references are mentioned with their URLs in the handout.

EC 327 Communication Systems Laboratory: Why do we need digital transmission ?

Lab In-Charge: Dr. S. Shanmugavel

No references in this handout.

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