I now feel that college is about getting your priorities right. There are a million things you can do when in college, right from doing nothing, to cramming for the exams in the last minute and taking it easy until then, to keeping yourself on your toes all the time by learning new things all the time. Nobody tells you "Do this. Do that. "
It's up to you to do things yourself. And in the end, you have nobody to blame / congratulate for your performance but yourself. That's college for you.
But college is great if you have the right attitude. For me, the right attitude is remaining on my toes all the time. As Sherlock Holmes once quoted somebody, "Change of work is the best rest."
College is refreshing, tiring, hectic, intimidating and a host of other adjectives. But college is never dull. Scary sometimes, but never monotonous.
I keep myself busy in the department by doing a lot of things. There's a computer lab where there is a machine running Linux. I am very attached to that machine, simply because I gave it a new lease of life and managed to get a lot of things working in that lab. That machine connects the rest of the lab transparently to the Internet.
I am a sort of consultant for getting computers in my department connected to the Internet using our campus-wide local area network. That keeps me busy quite often. And I'm quite happy using my little expertise in helping others.
manisridhar at hotmail dot com